pygrafix.draw — Functions for drawing shapes

This module allows you to draw simple shapes like lines and polygons.

pygrafix.draw.line(start_point, end_point[, color[, width[, edge_smoothing[, blending]]]])

This function draws a line between start_point and end_point. Both points must have the form (x, y). color must have the form (red, green, blue[, alpha]) with all components 0 <= c <= 1. blending can be any of “add”, “multiply”, “mix” or None.

The defaults are an opaque white line, 1 pixel wide, with no smoothing and mix blending.

pygrafix.draw.rectangle(position, size[, color[, edge_smoothing[, blending]]])

Draws a filled rectangle. position must be given in the form (x, y), size in the form (width, height). color must have the form (red, green, blue[, alpha]) with all components 0 <= c <= 1. blending can be any of “add”, “multiply”, “mix” or None.

The defaults are an opaque white rectangle, with no smoothing and mix blending.

pygrafix.draw.rectangle_outline(position, size[, color[, width[, edge_smoothing[, blending]]]])

Draws the outline of a rectangle. position must be given in the form (x, y), size in the form (width, height). width is a number specifying the width of the line used. The thickness of the line moves inward, so the total size of the outline is still given by size, and not a combination of size and width. color must have the form (red, green, blue[, alpha]) with all components 0 <= c <= 1. blending can be any of “add”, “multiply”, “mix” or None.

The defaults are an opaque white rectangle, with no smoothing and mix blending.

pygrafix.draw.polygon(vertices[, color[, edge_smoothing[, blending]]])

This function draws a polygon with the given vertices. vertices must be a list of (x, y) tuples. At least 3 vertices must be given. color must have the form (red, green, blue[, alpha]) with all components 0 <= c <= 1. blending can be any of “add”, “multiply”, “mix” or None.

The defaults are an opaque white polygon, with no smoothing and mix blending.

pygrafix.draw.polygon_outline(vertices[, color[, width[, edge_smoothing[, blending]]]])

This function draws the outline of a polygon with the given vertices. vertices should be a list of (x, y) tuples. At least 3 vertices must be given. color must have the form (red, green, blue[, alpha]) with all components 0 <= c <= 1. blending can be any of “add”, “multiply”, “mix” or None.

The defaults are an opaque white 1 pixel outline, with no smoothing and mix blending.

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