pygrafix.window — Managing windows

This module allows you to open and manage your windows to be used for pygrafix.

class pygrafix.window.Window([width[, height[, title[, fullscreen[, resizable[, refresh_rate[, vsync[, bit_depth]]]]]]]])

Creates a new window. width and height give the size of the new window, title is a string for the window caption, fullscreen is a boolean indicating whether the new window is fullscreen or not. resizable is a boolean indicating whether the new window is resizable by the user. refresh_rate is the refresh rate in Hz (only used in fullscreen). vsync is a boolean indicating whether vsync should be enabled. bit_depth is a tuple in the form (red, green, blue, alpha) indicating how much bits should be used for each channel.

If width is zero (the default), it will be calculated as width = (4/3) * height, if height is not zero. If height is zero (the default), it will be calculated as height = (3/4) * width, if width is not zero. If both width and height are zero, width will be set to 640 and height to 480.

If no title is given the default title “pygrafix window” is chosen. The default value for resizable is False. If refresh_rate is zero (the default) the system’s refresh rate will be used. The default value for vsync is True. If bit_depth is not given pygrafix will choose the best values.

pygrafix only supports double-buffered windows. This means that all drawing gets done on the back buffer and the user only ever sees the front-buffer. This is done to prevent half-done frames from showing up to the user. You swap the front and the back buffer by calling flip().

All attributes are read-write unless said otherwise.


The width of the screen in pixels.


The height of the screen in pixels.


The size of the window in the form (width, height).


The position of the window in the form (x, y). x and y are measured in pixels relative to the topleft of the screen.


A boolean indicating if the window is resizable by the user (you can always resize the window from the code). Read-only.


The refresh rate of the window. Only applicable in full-screen. Read-only.


A boolean indicating whether vsync is enabled or not.


Defines the cursor mode. Legal modes are “normal”, “hidden” and “captured”. In normal mode the regular hardware cursor is used and all mouse position functions work normally. In hidden mode everything is the same, except the cursor is not shown. Captured mode is radically different, the cursor is hidden and is not blocked by window boundaries. This last mode is commonly used for first-person-shooters.


A boolean indicating whether key repeating is enabled or not.


The title of this window.


A boolean indicating whether the window is fullscreen or not.


Closes the window.


Returns whether the window is open or not.


Calling this will pump through new window events like keypresses. Call this at least once per frame.


Does the same as the poll_events() but sleeps the process until an event is triggered.


Minimizes the window.


Restores the window.


Returns a boolean indicating whether this window has focus.


Returns a boolean indicating if the window is minimized.


Makes this window the active window (the window that is drawn on).


This flips the front and the back and makes everything that has been drawn visible to the user. Call this once per frame.


Returns the position of the mouse relative to the topleft of the screen in the form (x, y).


Returns True if key is pressed, else False. key can be a key constant from pygrafix.window.key or an alphanumeric string of length one (for example “A”).


Returns True if button is pressed, else False. button can be a mouse button constant from pygrafix.window.mouse.

clear([red[, green[, blue]]])

Clears the whole screen to the given color.

get_screen_data([position[, size[, buffer]]])

Returns an ImageData object containing the current contents of the screen. You can select a sub-part of the screen with position and size. Position must have the form (x, y) and size (width, height). The optional argument buffer may be “front” or “back” and defaults to “front”. The front buffer is what the user currently sees, the back buffer is the buffer you do your drawing on.

save_screenshot(filename[, file])

Saves a screenshot of this window into a file. If file is given filename will be used as a hint for the filetype.


Returns the frames per second. This value is calculated from how often flip() gets called with an algorithm that slightly smoothes out FPS changes.


Returns the active window. The active window is the window any draw calls will target.


Returns a list of all opened windows.


Returns a list of all legal video modes in the form (width, height, (redbits, greenbits, bluebits)).


Returns the desktop video mode in the form (width, height, (redbits, greenbits, bluebits)).

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